Renoir’s Bal du Moulin de la Galette

After spending a semester in Paris, France Renoir’s Bal du Moulin de la Galette, remains my favorite piece of artwork and resides in the Musee d’ Orsay. Renoir’s painting captures the Montemarte district of Paris, where families would spend their Sunday afternoons during the Industrial Revolution Era. Renoir stays true to the Impressionist mode of art, as it it flickering with sparkling light, a realist snapshot of life, and a richness of form. What I  have always loved about the painting, is the universal concept of Sundays.

One may note, that if you ever in Paris, France–do not attempt to run errands or be productive on a Sunday. The whole city shuts down, and you can find the Parisians strolling along the Seine, picnicking on the Champs de Mars, strolling through Montemarte, or sitting at an outdoor cafe with 3 or 4 dogs. Altough this painting was composed in the late 1800’s the beauty of sharing a leisurely Sunday in the magnificent city of Paris still exists. The spirit of family, life and love, florishes in this painting and makes us wonder why we leave this spirit behind during the week.

~ by cvirginia on May 1, 2009.

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